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Customer success stories

They operate in all corners of the globe, in various industries and conditions.
But they all have two things in common – they are Volvo CE customers and they are successful.
Here are their stories.

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Topping in every aspect of road building National highways make up barely 2% of India’s road network but they carry nearly 40% of road traffic. Hundreds of them criss-cross the country, the longest stretching over 4,000 kilometres...
Always, expect the best and get it Ask anyone the reason why he or she loves a road trip and you will get several. Ask them all why they hate road trips and you will get one – potholes. Driving on pothole-ridden roads not...
Very well cut out for the quarry Arhaura Town in Mirzapur District of Eastern Uttar Pradesh is famous for the pink stones of its mountain rocks. Geographically, they are known as Chunar Sandstones but of a harder variety...
The road to excellence never ends While India has the second largest road network in the world, over half of its National Highways are only two-lane wide and barely a fourth of them are four-lane wide. That is perhaps why...
How to be doubly happy at the quarry For decades, Kota Stone has been a preferred stone for flooring of both interiors and exteriors across residential and commercial premises. Seen as natural, durable and affordable, this...
First impressions are the most lasting Expectations ran sky-high when Vinod Shahi, Partner, Shubham Brothers placed order for the Company’s first ever SDLG Product – a L33H Wheel Loader – a few months ago. He was aware of the...
Sky is the limit when the foundation is solid As India’s first greenfield smart city, the GIFT City in Gujarat stands tall among Global Financial Centres as a flourishing free-market hub in the world’s fastest growing large economy....
So good, word has spread to entire neighborhood Good roads are crucial for development of any place, be it a village, town, city even country. They facilitate smooth transfer of resources and services, make trade and commerce possible,...
North, south, east or west... always the best! The paradox of our times is despite the construction of more roads, traffic congestion and accidents continue to increase. That is because the growth rate of our vehicle population far...
The harder it gets, the better it becomes Wear and tear is part and parcel of any physical asset and that includes construction equipment. In fact, it is higher and faster in case of construction equipments given the punishing tasks...
When experience meets performance it makes a big difference Till the other day, all you saw on the streets of Barmer were camel carts, worn-out autorickshaws and public transport, and the odd car. The dusty sleepy city, located on the edges of the...
When load is heavy and journey long, someone is right there all along It is said you can tell a country, and countryside, by its roads. Till the other day, daily life in the agriculture hinterland of Singrauli District in north-eastern Madhya Pradesh used to...
Proving more reliable and profitable with each passing day As diagnosis is before any treatment, soil compaction is before any road construction – essential. Compaction of soil removes spaces between soil particles decreasing their compressibility...
Proving their might in mining granite Karimnagar District in Telangana is renowned worldwide for its reserves of Tan Brown Granite, also known as Indian Brown Granite. One of the most durable and elegant forms of the stone, Tan...
Pressing on with strength, precision and assurance An ancient art that Karimnagar in Telangana State is famous for is making of silver filigree. Arranged in exquisite artistic motifs, filigree is intricate, painstaking jewellery work...
All about a long journey keeping good company First impressions are the most lasting, goes the saying. That’s because our brain is wired to make value judgements of a product or person within milliseconds of those first moments, even...
Blazing amazing trails in road building While the earliest roads in ancient India date back to Indus Civilization, street paving gained popularity across towns in the sub-continent at the beginning of the Common Era. Many empires...
A much-cherished partnership set in stone Since the dawn of time, quarrying has been an essential part of construction activity. But while guiding principles have remained the same over centuries, modern quarry management is seeing...
Overburden? No burden at all! Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource present in India. Accessing it, however, is easier said than done. That’s because, coal deposits exist well below the surface separated by...
Disciplined efforts yield multiple rewards To get it, one has to be persistent. To keep it, one has to be consistent. And both are elusive virtues, difficult to sustain yet vital to succeed. “But if you are determined in your...
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