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Customer success stories
They operate in all corners of the globe, in various industries and conditions. But they all have two things in common – they are Volvo CE customers and they are successful. Here are their stories.
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KEEPS ON GOING, DIGGING DEEP Wonders abound in Nagaur District of Rajasthan State. Foremost among them is the fact that this is the land which produces Makrana Marble – the marble used in the construction of one of the...
Doing more with less without any fuss Rewa in north-western Madhya Pradesh has innumerable enchanting stories to tell. Foremost among them is the breathtaking natural beauty and splendour of the place. Then, there are Buddhist...
Trust, value and service in concrete action As air is to humans and water is to fish, so is blue metal to any road or foundation – indispensable. Among the most mined materials in the world, blue metal finds great value as low cost...
Building up a great reputation in bringing them down Pulling down structures is twice as hard as putting them up. Demolition experts have to consider several factors before bringing down a structure – the area where it is located, the building...
Rising beyond challenges, above expectations When we think of construction or any heavy equipment industry, the dominant figure that comes to mind is a man. And yet, the need for women in these historically male-dominated industries...
Leaving a mark on the sands of time If asked to list down the minerals and materials mined on earth, the one we would probably miss is the most mined. Sand is the single most mined commodity in the world, surpassing every...
Meet the masters between before and after Time, it is said, changes everything. Urban India certainly has changed, beyond recognition. Entire landscapes across major towns and metropolitan cities are now transformed or restructured...
A STRONG PARTNER IN A LONG JOURNEY Road projects look simple but they can be very complex. Slip ups can happen without notice at any stage – in design, planning or construction – leading to cost overruns and delays in project...
Money flows in the direction of value To grow and flourish, businesses need to make right choices. But getting them right each time is never easy. Which is the better option? What will be the impact? Where will it take us? When...
Passion can make the impossible happen There is more to Phalodi than meets the eye. Located in the buffer zone of Thar Desert in Rajasthan, some 140 kilometres away from Jodhpur City, this pretty vibrant town is steeped in wonder...
Bigger the challenge, better the performance From any angle, Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project looks nothing short of an engineering marvel. Billed as the world’s largest, the Project addresses critical water needs across Telangana...
Shiv Shakti Constructions Shiv Shakti Constructions came into business in 2004, under the aegis of Mr. Mukesh Kumar a registered contractor with the UP-state PWD based in Greater Noida. He began his entrepreneurial...
No speed limits on the road to success Speed is nothing without direction. With clear vision, plan and purpose however, businesses can build momentum in no time. “Small steps in right direction are better than big steps in wrong...
Reliable by nature, exceptional in character Road building may be all science. Building great roads however, is an art. It involves aesthetics, skills and passion for perfection, apart from the usual meticulous planning, preparation...
The fine art of extracting more value, for longer ‘Rocks and minerals: the oldest storytellers’ goes the saying. And every mineral has its own story to tell. Dolomite for instance, is of sedimentary origin and said to be at least 250...
A tale of two cities...and a missing link One is India’s maximum city, a city that never sleeps. And the other is a thriving manufacturing hub, a city on the go. The Mumbai-Pune Corridor is the largest industrial corridor of the...
Lifting productivity and efficiency to new heights From unimaginable problems arise the most imaginative solutions. For years on end, farmers of Telangana endured crippling crop damage due to severe water shortage. This, despite the fact the...
PARTNERSHIP BUILT ON THE CEMENT OF TRUST While blasting may be the quickest and cheapest way to break or remove rock, there are many more effective alternatives. “Mechanical mining is a much better option,” says Ravindra Bothra,...
SETTING NEW STANDARDS IN ROAD BUILDING Beating Murphy’s Law is never easy in any sphere of human endeavour. In the field of Project Management, particularly road infrastructure, it only gets harder. “Road projects can be very...
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