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Fuel Efficiency Guarantee FAQs

Fuel Efficiency Guarantee Program Customer FAQs
Volvo A30G Articulated Truck

Why is Volvo offering this program?

We’re so confident in the money-saving fuel efficiency of our world-class excavators, articulated haulers, and wheel loaders, we guarantee it.

What equipment is included?

All new Volvo excavators, articulated haulers, and wheel loaders purchased during the program qualify for the guarantee. Models A25G, A30G, A35G, A40G, A45G, A45G FS, EC200E, EC210, EC220E, EC230, ECR235E, EC250E, EC300E, ECR355E, EC350E, EC370, EC380E, EC400, EC480E, EC500, EC530E, EC550E, EC750E, L150H, L180H, L220H, L260H and L350H qualify.

Are dealer-owned rental fleet sales allowed?

Yes. Units sold from dedicated dealer owned rental fleets (DORF) and units under the Rental Fleet Builder program maintain eligibility. Units must be less than 36 months of age from original wholesale invoice date with less than 5,000 hours to qualify for this program. If the machine has 2,500 hours at the time of program registration, the machine will qualify for 2,500 program hours.

Does Volvo provide a FREE CareTrack® system and subscription?

All new GPE Volvo excavators, articulated haulers, and wheel loaders include a standard, four-year CareTrack subscription and hardware plus one-year free ActiveCare Direct subscription.

Does the program require that I sign a Volvo Service Contract?

No. Machines with a Volvo Service Contract will receive reimbursement for overage at $1.50 per gallon. Machines without a Volvo Service Contract will receive reimbursement for overage at $0.75 per gallon.

How often is reimbursement for fuel efficiency guarantee paid?

Program reimbursement readings are captured and paid twice per year, as of July and December. All reimbursement for new customers will be made through a Smart Commercial Account which will require the customer to sign up for a Smart Commercial Account if not already enrolled.

What is the process if Volvo cites machine-rated fuel levels exceed stated model-rated fuel levels?

Volvo measures fuel consumption using the Volvo CareTrack (telematics) machine fuel utilization report readings. Your dealer can inform you of possible areas of improvement, including operating counseling and training. Your dealer will contact you with details and reimburse you, as applicable to the program, through a Smart Commercial Account.

When does program activation for each machine start?

Machines must be enrolled in the program within 60 days of the sales date to qualify.

How do I enroll in the program?

Your dealer will assist you with completing a Fuel Efficiency Guarantee Program enrollment form.

Is the Fuel Efficiency Guarantee transferable to another customer?

No. The guarantee is non-transferable and available in the U.S. and Canada only.

Where can I go to find out more about this offer?

Contact your local Volvo Dealer.

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