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Hjem Produkter Maskiner for rivningsarbeid EC380E HR
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Høytrekkende rivningsutstyr EC380E HR

  • Stage V / Tier 4f  Emission Standards
  • 51 000 kg Driftsvekt
  • 230 kW Motorens brutto effekt
  • 3 000 kg Maks. tillatt redskapsvekt
Volvo EC380EHR er spesialbygget for å dekke behovene innen rivnigsarbeid. Maskinen har lang rekkevidde, robuste komponenter og kraftig motor for å kunne utføre de krevende oppavene maskinen blir brukt til. EC380EHR er utstyrt med det patenterte modul bomsystemet som gjør det enkelt å skifte mellom... Les mer
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Volvo EC380EHR er spesialbygget for å dekke behovene innen rivnigsarbeid. Maskinen har lang rekkevidde, robuste komponenter og kraftig motor for å kunne utføre de krevende oppavene maskinen blir brukt til. EC380EHR er utstyrt med det patenterte modul bomsystemet som gjør det enkelt å skifte mellom graveutstyr og langaggregat.

Tekniske spesifikasjoner for EC380E HR

Her er de viktigste spesifikasjonene for denne produktmodellen. Ønsker du flere detaljer? Last ned brosjyren eller kontakt oss.
Driftsvekt 51 000 kg
Motorens brutto effekt 230 kW
Motorturtall ved maks. motormoment 1 700 o/min
Maks. tillatt redskapsvekt 3 000 kg
Maks. bolthøyde 23 060 mm
Maks. rekkevidde til bolt 14 490 mm
Driftsvinkel 24,4 grader
Maks. tippvinkel for førerhus 30 grader
...Fast understell - Utvidet 2 740 mm
...Understell, hydraulisk inntrekkbar - Utvidet 3 380 mm
...Understell, hydraulisk inntrekkbar - Inntrukket 2 390 mm
Operating weight may vary by market based on the option and attachment configuration.
Kun billedillustrasjon. Produksjonsmaskiner kan variere i funksjon og utseende innenfor forskjellige markeder og modeller.
Flere spesifikasjoner og sammenligningsdata Last ned EC380E HR-brosjyren med alle detaljer og spesifikasjoner. (PDF, 1,7MB)

Funksjoner og fordeler

Falling Object Guard (FOG) A frame-mounted falling object guard protects the operator and cab from falling debris, enhancing safety and machine uptime.

Safe and sound

Volvo high reach excavators are built to ensure maximum safety in all demolition applications. A sturdy frame and cab offer ultimate protection against the falling debris that is common in demolition projects, and a wide, clear view of the jobsite provides excellent visibility for enhanced safety.

Rear-view and side-view cameras

Offering the driver a complete view of the jobsite, rear- and side-view cameras ensure the machine is operated safely at all times.

Cradles, working platform and rails

Cradles, working platforms and rails increases safety when assembly or disassembly is taking place for switching applications, in transportation and when carrying out maintenance.

LEXAN window on roof with washer/wiper system

A roof LEXAN window protects the operator underneath from falling objects for increased safety and upwards visibility. The window can be washed by a washer and wiper system that can be operated by a front window switch.

Total moment indicator

For ultimate safety in demanding operations, a Total moment indicator warns the operator if the machine approaches the maximum safe working load.

Tool weight and pin height For better productivity the machine’s structure and hydraulic system have been optimized to carry heavier attachments, giving you more value for money. The maximum pin height has been increased to widen your working range and maximize productivity.

Bringing down the house

The EC380EHR and EC480EHR are equipped with the latest innovations to increase your productivity. These machines are designed to make your working day worth more, and a robust structure, heavy tool weight and outstanding hydraulics ensure a strong performance in even the toughest of demolition projects.

Volvo’s unique initial set up solution

It takes just one man three to four hours to set-up the machine with Volvo’s quick assembly system, allowing a hydraulic track extension and hydraulic assisted boom assembly. The machine can be up and working with minimal labor as the bulk of the hard work is carried out by the operator from the safety and comfort of their seat.

Water spray system

Volvo offers a complete dust suppression solution with a 30 lpm hydraulic lifting pump, which can eliminate the need of a separate truck for pumping water. Four nozzles, two on each side of the arm, provides a fine mist that encapsulates the dust and the system can also be used for cleaning the machine with the high pressure water gun mounted behind the cab.

Stable undercarriage designed for demolition

The stable undercarriage designed for demolition has improved working range across all 360° positions, for less repositioning of the machine to maximize production efficiency. For easy operation, the extendable undercarriage allows the operator to effortlessly retract the undercarriage for transportation and expand it for ultimate stability when arriving at the worksite.

Electro hydraulic system

The new electro-hydraulic system and new Main Control Valve (MCV) use intelligent technology to control on-demand flow for accurate controllability, high productivity, and excellent fuel economy. The system, boom, arm and swing priority along with boom, arm and bucket regeneration provides optimum performance.

Purpose built for demolition The Volvo-designed high-reach demolition machines are produced in Volvo’s industry-leading manufacturing facilities and are fully supported by Volvo’s global service and spare parts network – increasing machine uptime.

Heavy-duty demolition

Volvo CE is dedicated to producing the ultimate in heavy-duty demolition machinery. Purpose-built to suit the needs of this demanding task, these high reach excavators are equipped with robust components and a powerful engine to ensure you can keep working shift after shift.

Heavy-duty protection

Heavy duty protection options give more protection to the machine, keeping it in good condition for longer. A range of durable and robust components and parts can be added for machine longevity and performance.

Service Network

Volvo’s team of experts is always ready to help using local knowledge and global experience. With our extensive infrastructure of technicians, workshops and dealers, Volvo CE has a comprehensive network to fully support you at all times.

Robust frame, boom and arm

The robust frame, heavy-duty boom and arm increases reliability and machine uptime, even in severe applications. Steel strips are welded under the arm to further increase protection and various boom and arm configurations are available.

Volvo D13 Tier 4 final / Stage IV engine

The latest generation Volvo Tier 4 Final / Stage IV engine fully meets the demands of the latest emissions regulations. Featuring Volvo Advanced Combustion Technology (V-ACT), this engine is designed to deliver superior performance and fuel efficiency. The engine uses precise, high pressure fuel injectors, turbo charger, an air-toair intercooler and electronic engine controls to optimize machine performance.

High visibility cab The Volvo high visibility cab – designed specifically for high reach demolition – ensures higher productivity.

A vision for demolition

These high reach excavators are equipped with a Volvo cab that has been designed to offer industryleading levels of comfort. A high visibility cab and carefully placed cameras ensure operators have a clear view of the jobsite at all times, for the ultimate safe, productive working environment.

Hands on tilt

The hands-on tilt function, allows the operator to focus on getting the work done, increasing productivity and operator comfort. With buttons on in the joysticks, the operator can easily adjust the angle of the tilting cab, without removing their hands from the joysticks and securing an unobstructed view of the working area.

Front-end camera and monitor

Two demolition arm mounted cameras displayed on an 8 inch monitor give a thorough view of the attachment, which helps efficient and safe operation. The operator can toggle between the views of the cameras from the instrument panel.

Controls and switches

For ultimate operator comfort, the Volvo cab features ergonomically placed controls and switches for easy operation, as well as a shockabsorbent air suspension seat. Operators are able to view machine operation controls via the newly enlarged 8” LCD monitor, perfectly positioned for high-reach applications.

Cleaning air gun

Volvo now offers a unique optional air compressor system. The air compressor is combined with an air gun, which fitted into the cab for easy access. This is a powerful tool and can be used to clean the cab whenever necessary.

Volvo patented modular boom system The hydraulic modular joint uses a hydraulic lock mechanism to release digging equipment and change from high reach to backhoe configuration.

A versatile demolition addition

These Volvo high reach excavators are a versatile addition to your demolition fleet. Compatible with a wide range of Volvo attachments and built to work both a variety of boom types, these machines are the ideal partner for all demolition projects.

Auxiliary hydraulics and dedicated drain lines

To achieve the correct flow and superior pressure for hydraulic attachments such as mowers, grinders, shears, crushers and tilt rotators, the machine can be factory fitted with a wide variety of hydraulic lines, using breaker and shear piping as well as rotator piping for an improved working environment.

Attachments Management System

The attachment management system – controlled through the monitor – stores the settings for up to 20 different hydraulic attachments for ease of operation. Depending on the hydraulic options configured, the management system can store flow, maximum pressure, one or two- way flow, push, toggle and/or proportional control. The system offers password protection, whereby only approved personnel can set up or alter the attachment parameter settings.

Straight & conventional boom

An innovative design makes it easy to change from the Ultra High Reach boom and arm to a standard configuration or a straight boom, so your excavator will stay busy even when you don’t have high-reach projects.

Volvo Quick Couplers

Volvo offers a full range of quick couplers, including its dedicated S-type coupler, that are perfectly matched to Volvo’s bucket range to ensure high break-out forces at all times. The Volvo universal quick coupler picks up a variety of attachments from various manufacturers. All Volvo quick couplers meet the latest safety regulations.

Løftemodus Lafting mode for Multi Demolisjon Boom er løftemodus som er designet av Volvo CE for å kunne bruke maskinen som en sikker holder for løfting av maskinkomponenter.


Vi introduserer den nye Lifting Mode for Demolition som øker fleksibiliteten og sparer tid for transport av rivningskomponenter.

Designet og bygget av Volvo Construction Equipment

Det nye Lifting mode-alternativet gir mer fleksibilitet og redusert tidstap i dine rivningsoperasjoner og logistikk: Ingen behov for ekstra kraner eller gravemaskiner for transport av komponentene. Resultatet er en lavere kostnad ved eierskapet, siden leie av tredjepartsmaskiner for lasting/avlasting unngås. Ved bruk av Multi-Demolition forlengerbom er det ikke nødvendig å koble til slanger, og dermed spares verdifull tid. Færre maskiner involvert i logistikken gir også en positiv påvirkning på karbonfotavtrykket i rivningsprosjektet ditt.

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