AN IRON WILL TO MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN For long, it has been argued that iron ore is more integral to the global economy than any other commodity. Mining and refining of iron ore rank among the most significant technological...
The global race against the waves Rising sea levels is globally considered to be one of the greatest climate challenges. In some parts of the world it has already a big impact on people’s lives. This is particularly true for...
Building embankments Construction work in Sundarbans means facing some extreme challenges. Shantanu Mukherjee, Regional Sales Manager at Volvo CE, works in this area where one third of the land disappears and...
The construction site that protects invaluable land Sundarbans, in India, is a unique part of the world, home to the Bengali tiger and proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also one of the world’s most extreme settings for a...
Meet the operator Sundarbans in India is threatened by rising sea levels and extreme weather. A small team of operators are working non-stop to protect the land. Sameer Manna is one of them.
Volvo EC200D delivers iron-clad performance in India Indian iron ore producer Geomin Industries is so impressed with the Volvo EC200D excavator’s fuel efficiency and productivity that the company is planning to convert its fleet of earthmoving...
Speed up productivity with the Volvo EC200D The Volvo EC200D is the fastest 20-ton class excavator on the market. With shorter cycle times and outstanding lifting capabilities it delivers significant productivity improvements for all...
Volvo EC210D - the heavy duty option Volvo´s EC210D crawler excavator has established itself in India as a high performance machine in heavy duty applications such as mining and quarrying.
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