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Home About us News Volvo CE headlines Indias first Demolition Conference

Volvo CE headlines India's first Demolition Conference

Volvo CE India sponsored Demtech 2019, India’s first dedicated demolition conference, which was organized by Indian Demolition Association.
On November 13, Volvo Construction Equipment India (Volvo CE) sponsored Demtech 2019, India’s first dedicated demolition conference, which was held in Mumbai. The Indian Demolition Association (IDA) organized the event, which also announced the founding of IDA. 
“I would like to congratulate IDA and its founding chairman Mohan Ramanathan, for the successful conclusion of the first demolition conference in India,” said Dimitrov Krishnan, vice president and head of Volvo CE India. “At Volvo CE, we are very proud to be the headline sponsor for this event. The participation from the industry and all related stakeholders was excellent in all the sessions.”
Over 300 participants from the Indian demolition and recycling industries attended the event. Volvo CE displayed its equipment in action along with product banners that highlighted features and specifications of its demolition machines. 
“IDA served as a great platform for customers to come and experience Volvo CE’s strength and our proven work in the demolition industry,” Krishnan said. “We wanted to create visibility among the audience that Volvo CE is a strong and established equipment supplier to demolition jobs.” 
During the conference, Krishnan also urged the government to support the demolition.
“I appeal to the Government of India and state governments across the country to support the demolition idustry by working with IDA to create standards which will ensure the sustainable development of our country,” Krishnan said.
The one-day event started with an opening address from Nitin Gadakari, Minister for Road Transport and Highways in India. The conference featured suppliers, educators, industry leaders and international delegates from 17 different countries who presented their insights. The event concluded with a panel discussion on demolition, recycling and remediation. 
“The demolition industry in India is evolving at a rapid pace. The latest global technology are being implemented in projects across the country. Volvo CE is a pioneer in the construction equipment technology space. We offer great products and very dependable service team at the right place and time,” Krishnan said. “Volvo’s line of demolition machines can partner with organizations to complete projects on time and support the nation in their drive for sustainable development. Volvo CE will continue to support IDA in all its initiatives by being a close partner.”

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