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For long, it has been argued that iron ore is more integral to the global economy than any other commodity. Mining and refining of iron ore rank among the most significant technological achievements of all time. India is home to vast deposits of iron ore – nearly a sixth of world reserves are found here. That also includes lower grade iron ore which generally require beneficiation techniques like crushing,milling, screening and separation to remove impurities and improve the concentration of the ore.

Where benefits far outweigh costs 

“We operate one of the largest iron ore beneficiation plants in the country,” says Sandeep Das Gupta, Vice President, Geomin Industries Pvt Ltd.“Our current capacity is over a million tonnes.” A wellknown manufacturer and exporter of iron ore fines, minerals and ores, Geomin Industries is based in the heart of India’s hinterland in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. The Company has been in business for over a decade, catering to diverse customers across the country and abroad. Sandeep Gupta is quick to point out, “This business is tough. Your equipment must be able to do this and that, here and there, day in day out… with minimal breakdowns. But no worries - we have our Volvo EC200D.” 

While Geomin Industries has several Volvo Excavators operating in its captive mines, the showpiece is clearly the new Volvo EC200D purchased recently for its iron ore beneficiation plant. “This one is a beauty,” says Sandeep Gupta, “It’s robust, very comfortable and the boom length is just perfect. The incredible speed of the machine means we can do so many things in so many ways!” According to him, the Volvo EC200D is highly fuel efficient, easy and economical to maintain and a very operator-friendly machine. That would mean more tasks can be accomplished in less time and at much lower costs. Which is exactly what the Volvo EC200D does – multi-tasking with ease. “As for service, we have an effective and trusted partner in Navin InfraSolutions, the local dealer - both in sales and after-market support.” beams Sandeep Gupta.


Strike while the iron is hot
While the Volvo EC 200D goes about its job at the plant loading tippers and feeding hoppers, Geomin Industries is contemplating replacing its entire fleet of equipment with Volvo machines.
“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how much more you pay. What really matters is how much more you get back in return. And let’s face it - nobody delivers value like Volvo,” reasons Sandeep Gupta.

Geomin Industries has ambitious plans for the future. A second iron ore beneficiation plant is being actively considered. Nearly 200 acres of land have already been acquired for the purpose. Renewed thrust on logistics and new acquisitions are also on the table. The accent is on improving efficiencies and scale. Clearly, these are good times for Geomin Industries. Sandeep Gupta signs off with a smile. “Continuous value addition is the name of our game. So you see, we will continue to invest in Volvo equipment!”


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