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Topping in every aspect of road building

National highways make up barely 2% of India’s road network but they carry nearly 40% of road traffic. Hundreds of them criss-cross the country, the longest stretching over 4,000 kilometres while the shortest covering just 5 kilometres. “As arteries are to our body, National highways are to our economy – impossible to imagine without,” says Bhanwarlalji Rulaniya, Managing Director, BRN Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. “The way I see it, infrastructure development begins and ends with these extra-special roads.”
Volvo Road Equipments are producing excellent results for BRN Infrastructure Pvt Ltd at national highway projects across the country

Based out of Jaipur in Rajasthan, BRN Infrastructure Pvt Ltd is a specialist in national highway constructions. The Company has successfully executed several prestigious projects across the country – from Manipur in the far-east through Uttar Pradesh, Maharastra and Himachal Pradesh to the west-end of Gujarat. “Road building is in our blood, especially national highways,” says Rameshwarji Rulaniya, Director. “Every project we undertake, we ensure we are fully involved – end to end.”

Top of the line performance

Assisting BRN Infrastructure in daily operations is a wide range of Volvo Road Construction Equipment. It includes seventeen EC 210D excavators, six SD 110BA Compactors and a DD 90B Tandem Roller – twenty four Volvo road machines in all. “Any way you look at it – productivity, reliability, fuel efficiency or safety – a Volvo stands alone, right on top,” says Bhanwarlalji Rulaniya, “Whatever the road building challenge, this is one brand you can depend on – always.”

According to him, the EC 210D is the best in its class by a long stretch, topping in productivity, fuel efficiency, versatility, safety and operating comfort. He believes the excavator is designed and built to ensure optimum return on investment – both in the short term and over the long haul – by combining fast cycle times with lower fuel consumption and reduced operating costs. Rameshwarji Rulaniya is all praise for Volvo Compactors and Tandem Rollers. “They are tailormade for Indian conditions – sturdy, durable, well balanced, finely tuned and most efficient,” he says. “They accomplish work with fewer passes and lesser fuel.” He points out that his Company has been relying on brand Volvo for soil and asphalt compaction for years now. Both Bhanwarlalji and Rameshwarji are pleased with the support provided by local Volvo CE dealer, ESSDEE Solutech. “They are prompt and courteous whenever we seek their help. But most importantly, they make sure things back to normal really fast - each and every time!”

The road to the top

The order books at BRN Infrastructure are currently running full. The Company is working round the clock on multiple road projects, including EPC contracts for national highways, across states. “This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for India’s road builders,” says Rameshwarji Rulaniya. “And we are taking it with both hands.”

Clearly, these are good times at BRN Infrastructure. The Company has lined up big expansion plans to meet the burgeoning demand for new infrastructure. While road construction remains top priority, the Company is open to exploring opportunities in mining and other infrastructure-related projects. Bhanwarlalji Rulaniya believes the best days for his Company are ahead. “No doubt, we have achieved a lot. But you see, the road right up to the top is always under construction,” he says. “For sure, we will continue to outperform in the future. And of course, we will settle for only the topmost equipment in our endeavours – Volvo!” 

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