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The harder it gets, the better it becomes

Wear and tear is part and parcel of any physical asset and that includes construction equipment. In fact, it is higher and faster in case of construction equipments given the punishing tasks they perform in challenging environments. It might explain why Chander Sekhar Bansal, Director, VRC Constructions (India) Pvt Ltd thinks the world of his Volvo fleet, in particular the EC 290BLC excavator. “You see, we bought this excavator nearly two decades back – our first Volvo purchase,” he says. “And it continues to perform like new, even after 31,000 hours of hard work!”
Volvo Road Equipments are proving to be most reliable and valuable for VRC Constructions (India) Pvt Ltd across many highway projects in multiple States

Based out of the National Capital, VRC Constructions (India) Pvt Ltd is one of India’s top construction firms with a proven track record in infrastructure development. Over the years, the Company has excelled in execution of large projects across multiple regions of the country – from highway, tunnel and railway projects to civil structures and mega residential constructions. “We are favoured and recommended by both existing and new customers for one good reason - we go out of the way to maximise the value of every project we undertake for them,” says Chander Sekhar Bansal.

The uncanny ability to do more for less

Assisting VRC Constructions in its day-to-day operations are six Volvo Construction Equipments. It includes an assorted range of excavators, compactors and pavers and they are deployed across major projects in the States of Punjab, Bihar, Haryana and Rajasthan. “Road building means Volvo – no two ways about it,” says Chander Sekhar Bansal. “These machines are in a class of their own and they will work wonders for you in any road project – like no other machine can.”

According to him, Volvo road equipments not only ensure top quality and productivity but with much lower fuel consumption. He believes it is a winning combination and it gives the brand a clear edge over the rest. “Road building is tough, very competitive business. Margins are wafer-thin and no two projects are the same. To succeed, you need machines that consistently do more work better and faster without burning holes in the pocket in terms of fuel and other operating costs. And that’s always what our Volvos deliver and why we are here – amongst the best in the business,” he explains. He points to stand-alone features like dual frequencies and amplitudes in Volvo compactors, optimized hydraulic systems and intelligent work modes of Volvo excavators and automatic track tensioner in Volvo pavers that, he believes, raise productivity, reliability and fuel efficiency to another level.

The first name and the last word in road building

Spares and maintenance support for the Volvo fleet of VRC Constructions is handled by local Volvo CE dealer, Alpha Teknisk Pvt Ltd. Chander Sekhar Bansal is effusive in his praise. “They leave absolutely no room for discontent of any sort – that’s how good they are. Excellent products backed by brilliant service,” he says.

Recently, VRC Constructions bagged four major highway projects across four states under HAM/EPC mode from National Highway Authority of India. The Company has completed three mega highway projects under EPC mode in State of Rajasthan. The Company is championing sustainable development with bold new initiatives across many levels – both within the organisation and outside. Chander Sekhar Bansal is clearly bullish about the future as he signs off. “We are living in the best time ever of infrastructure development in the country. Yes, the road ahead is full of incredible opportunities and challenges. And with Volvo as our partner, I am sure it will only get better and better for us in the future!” 

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