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So good, word has spread to entire neighborhood

Good roads are crucial for development of any place, be it a village, town, city even country. They facilitate smooth transfer of resources and services, make trade and commerce possible, play critical role in emergency situations and contribute to a clean and safe environment. “Above all, they are vital for everyday life - to move, grow and flourish,” says Sunil M Ullagaddi – a Class I PWD Contractor based out of the City of Vijayapura in North Karnataka. “The way I see it, no good roads means no decent livelihoods – as simple as that.”
Volvo Excavators and Compactors are Sunil Ullagaddi’s trusted partners in various road building projects and stone quarry operations in North Karnataka

An established contractor, Sunil Ullagaddi has been associated with rural road and state highway projects in Vijayapura and Bagalkote Districts for many years now. His Firm also engages in quarry operations and owns a stone crusher unit in Vijayapura. “Today, our name figures among the leading contractors for public works in this area,” he says. “That is because we always deliver far more than what is expected in every project we undertake – thanks to our Volvos.”

Performance that leaves a lasting impression

Assisting in day-to-day operations is a formidable fleet of Volvo construction equipment. It includes four EC 210DL excavators, two SD 110 soil compactors and a DD90 asphalt compactor. “One of our excavators has been working for 16,000 hours - and is still going strong,” says Sunil Ullagaddi. “I tell you, to beat Volvo in reliability it’s not just difficult – it’s impossible!”

According to him, Volvo equipments are built to achieve greater volume of work of better quality over longer periods of time. He believes every Volvo machine is thoughtfully designed and meticulously constructed to ensure stable outputs with optimum efficiency and minimal breakdowns. “A Volvo will go on delivering pleasant surprises day after day for years, achieving what you expect at the cost you want,” he declares. “It is a game changer in a business where there is constant pressure on margins and timelines.” He is convinced both Volvo excavators and compactors are just right for Indian conditions combining high productivity and versatility with best-in-class fuel efficiency.

The only reference point is excellence

Spares and maintenance support for the entire fleet is provided by local Volvo dealer, Encore Heavy Machinery Pvt Ltd. Sunil Ullagaddi has a comprehensive Repair and Maintenance Agreement (RMA) contract in place with them. “Agreed, maintenance and service are non issues when it comes to Volvo – we hardly face problems. Still, we have signed up to get all the support we need, all the time,” he says. “As for the team at Encore – it’s excellent!”

Clearly, Sunil Ullagaddi is deeply satisfied with the overall performance of his Volvo equipment. It is evident in the way he goes about urging his peers and business associates in the neighbourhood to add Volvo to their fleet and experience the difference. Nearly a dozen of them have already purchased Volvo equipment based solely on his recommendations. “I am happy to report no one has shown any disappointment so far – they are all as completely satisfied as I am,” he says. “And I believe it’s only a matter of time before they start referring Volvo equipment to others in the business. You see, you just can’t help it when you become a Volvo customer. You end up becoming its vocal brand ambassador!” He signs off with a smile.

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