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Proving more reliable and profitable with each passing day

As diagnosis is before any treatment, soil compaction is before any road construction – essential. Compaction of soil removes spaces between soil particles decreasing their compressibility and permeability. That in turn, increases the strength, stability, durability and load-bearing capacity of road surfaces. “The difference between good and bad roads is soil compaction – it’s as simple as that,” says Md Nazeemodhin, a contractor engaged in soil compaction work for road projects. Based out of Karimnagar in Telangana State, Md Nazeemodhin is a seasoned player with a good name for delivering quality work on time.

Rising to the occasion, every time

Assisting Md Nazeemodhin in operations are four Volvo SD 110BA Soil Compactors. They are busy laying out the groundwork for several road projects in the area. It is tough work, many times in challenging environments, involving hours of passes every day, but the Volvos are going about their job with unmistakable precision and efficiency. “There are many good things to say about Volvo machines, but the best thing is – they get the job done with such effortless ease,” says Md Nazeemodhin. “In fact, more difficult the jobs, better is their performance.”

According to him, the Volvo SD 110BA Compactor is specifically made for Indian conditions combining efficiency, stability and versatility to adapt to country-specific earthwork compaction applications. He believes the machine is well balanced and finely tuned to achieve greater volume of work of better quality in less time. He also believes the machine is designed for durability and minimal breakdowns ensuring reliable outputs over long periods. But he is convinced the game-changing benefit of the Volvo SD 110BA Compactor is the fuel efficiency it delivers. “If you think high productivity automatically means high fuel costs, then you are totally mistaken. Volvo Compactors actually achieve desired outputs consuming much less fuel. With each passing day, I find myself raking in more profits. To anyone in my profession looking for a real value-for-money investment, I would say - this is it!” he says.

A good thing going, for years

Md Nazeemodhin is impressed with the support provided by local VolvoCE dealer, Ramanand Power Systems Ltd. “I find their service excellent,” he says. “They sort out problems with minimum fuss. With them around, it is the best of both worlds -lowest maintenance costs with no breakdowns!”

Having established himself as a trusted contractor for soil compaction in Telangana, Md Nazeemodhin is optimistic about times ahead. He plans to expand operations to new geographies and add customers. That will mean inducting more Volvo machines into his fleet. “Sure,” he says. “Look, my business has flourished with Volvo equipments for years. And the way I see it is, when you have a good thing going for you, just keep it going. So, Volvo it will always be.” He signs off with a smile.

Volvo SD110BA Soil Compactors are proving to be more reliable and profitable with each passing day for Md Nazeemodhin of Karimnagar, Telangana

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