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Pressing on with strength, precision and assurance

An ancient art that Karimnagar in Telangana State is famous for is making of silver filigree. Arranged in exquisite artistic motifs, filigree is intricate, painstaking jewellery work involving silver threads delicately interwoven to make a lace like decoration. “Step by step planning and unerring precision in every process are critical for the flawless execution of filigree work – much like road projects,” says Venkat Ramana Rao, Managing Partner, Sai Venkat Ramana Constructions – a road builder from the region. “One wrong step and you face customer’s music for less than perfect finish.”

Focussed on road building projects primarily in Karimnagar District, Sai Venkat Ramana Constructions has established itself as a Company with an eye for detail. The Company undertakes thorough planning and preparation before every project. “That’s how we keep that smile on our customers’ faces intact – all the way, all the time,” says Venkat Ramana Rao.

High on productivity, low on operating costs

Assisting the Company in daily operations are four Volvo Compactors – two SD110 Soil Compactors and one each of DD90 and DD100 Asphalt Compactors. “Compaction control is the key to inch-perfect road finish,” says Venkat Ramana Rao. “Once you get that right and precise - like our Volvos do, each and every time - road building is like... poetry in motion.”

According to him, Volvo Compactors are designed and built for Indian conditions. Whether it is road foundation work or backfilling a trench or paving a smooth mat finish, he believes Volvo Compactors offer required flexibility, versatility and stability to handle various country-specific conditions. “And they execute with fewer passes, fine precision and total efficiency,” he adds. But he is convinced it is two features - high uptimes and low fuel consumption - that make Volvo Compactors a compelling buy. They clearly separate the brand from the pack, according to him. “When you buy a Volvo and you fill two needs with one deed – maximum productivity with minimal operating costs,” he says. “That means assured return on investment much earlier than you expect!”

Keep on going, keep on growing

Maintenance support for the Volvos of Sai Venkat Ramana Constructions is provided by local VolvoCE dealer, Ramanand Power Systems Ltd. Venkat Ramana Rao is pleased with the overall service provided by them. “The best thing about our Volvos is we haven’t suffered a single major breakdown so far. The next best thing is the team at Ramanand resolves every minor problem in no time!” he says.

Sai Venkat Ramana Constructions is keen to leverage its reputation as one of the better road builders and expand operations beyond Telangana. The Company is looking to bid aggressively for new road projects, both in public and private sectors. Venkat Ramana Rao strikes a note of optimism as he signs off. “We believe we have it in us to step up to the big league. With Volvo by our side, we are sure we can.”

Volvo Soil & Asphalt Compactors are paving new avenues of success for Sai Venkat Ramana Constructions in Karimnagar, Telangana

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