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Overburden? No burden at all!

Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource present in India. Accessing it, however, is easier said than done. That’s because, coal deposits exist well below the surface separated by layers of soil, gravel and rock. This overburden of top-soil and rock needs to be removed first to expose the coal seams for mining. “And, let’s be clear – we are talking millions of cubic metres of overburden removal at conservative estimates in any open cast mining project,” says K Shiva Kumar Reddy, Executive Director, Sushee Hitech Projects Pvt Ltd. “Our Company has been on the job of overburden removal in coal mines for years now and presently we are executing 460 million cum of OB removal work at two biggest OC mines of India at SIngareni collieries”

Volvo Excavators are going all out to remove massive loads of overburden material in record time for Sushee Hitech Projects

Headquartered in Hyderabad in Telangana State, Sushee Hitech is a full time mining major, bearing a reputation for delivering quality projects ahead of schedule. The Company specialises in overburden removal, having successfully undertaken several contracts for Singareni Collieries Company Ltd and Western Coalfields Ltd. “Once we sign on the dotted line, we commit ourselves 100% to our customer,” says Shiva Kumar Reddy. “We leave no stone unturned in our efforts – we have talent, discipline, passion, commitment, and above all, we have the equipment – Volvo.”

The choice is clear

Assisting Sushee Hitech in overburden removal operations are six Volvo EC950E crawler excavators. The excavators are hard at work at mining sites across states, removing thousands of tonnes of material on daily basis, sometimes for as much as twenty one hours at a stretch. “The performance of these Volvo machines – it’s simply miraculous,” says Shiva Kumar Reddy. “No matter how tough the job or how tight the schedule, they always deliver - to complete satisfaction.”

According to him, no 100T machine in market can match the features and benefits of a Volvo EC950E. He believes his Company is able to save on an average at least 30% in fuel costs employing Volvo. The bonus, he claims, is there is no compromise on productivity and uptimes. He points out his Volvos are up and about their work 95% of the time and they deliver at least 15% faster speed of operations. “In fact, 300000 cum a month production is par for the course for these machines – achieving it is a matter of routine for us,” he adds. “Factor in 30% savings in operating costs and you know why it’s impossible to beat a Volvo.”

Advantage no burden

All six Volvo EC950E machines of Sushee Hitech are covered under FMC contract for lifetime. Spares support and maintenance services are handled by local VolvoCE dealer – Ramanand Power Systems Pvt Ltd. “We are very happy with the way they go about work,” says Shiva Kumar Reddy. “They just won’t any leave room for discontent.”

Over the years, Sushee Hitech Projects has perfected the art, science and economics of overburden removal. Leveraging production-efficient strategies with cost-effective approach and good business practices, the Company has executed several projects in India’s coal belt in record time. The Company is looking to deploy more Volvo EC950E machines in the coming years to cater to ever-growing demand. “The key to lasting success in this business is to own equipment that can get every job done fastest at lowest operating cost,” says Shiva Kumar Reddy. “We have a clear winner all the way to the bank – Volvo.” He signs off with a smile.

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