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First impressions are the most lasting

Expectations ran sky-high when Vinod Shahi, Partner, Shubham Brothers placed order for the Company’s first ever SDLG Product – a L33H Wheel Loader – a few months ago. He was aware of the global reputation of brand Volvo. He was aware of SDLG Loader’s reliability, fuel efficiency and overall capability. Still, that first impression was all important. “What if the machine didn’t live up to its promise was the question in our minds. After all, it’s always difficult to fulfill expectations,” says Vinod Shahi. “But one look at the machine when it was delivered to us, one feel of it in action... and that question disappeared from our minds. The machine surpassed all expectations!”
When it comes to managing huge loads for long hours, Shubham Brothers has discovered there is no better choice that SDLG Wheel Loaders

Based out of Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Shubham Brothers undertakes road construction and civil infrastructure works for customers from both public and private sectors. While projects are mostly concentrated in Uttar Pradesh, the Company also has projects running in the states of West Bengal and Odisha. The Company operates four RMC Plants in Lucknow. More are being planned in Ayodhya, Prayagraj and Varanasi. “Our core strength is in RMC and that is where we have deployed our first SDLG L933H Loader,” says Vinod Shahi.

Wheel Loader beyond compare

It is relentless work – loading aggregates and sand of various dimensions - but the all-new SDLG Wheel Loader is going about its work with clockwork precision. “According to me, the two big reasons to opt for SDLG are – reliability and efficiency,” says Vinod Shahi. He believes they have no match in a comparable class on these parameters. According to him, SDLG Loaders are feature-packed and true value-for-money equipments. He is impressed with the 3-mode working feature, low fuel consumption and overall reliability. “The longer it works, the better it gets,” he says. “A machine with phenomenal capacity to do more – that’s SDLG for you. We have had no breakdown since day one of operations.”

Vinod Shahi believes the high uptime demonstrated by the machine is on account of technical superiority. “The hydraulics, engine transmission system, cabin space, instrument panels, I can clearly see they are all designed to ensure predictable performance, flexible operations and long life,” he says. “The end result is – more work done in less time spending less money on fuel. Now that is what I call Guaranteed Return on Investment!” He is appreciative of the efforts of local dealer, Alpha Teknisk Services Pvt Ltd. “Frankly, we have had no issues so far, but they are there for us, at their friendliest best. We remain a priority for them – and that’s what matters and counts in the long run.”

First impression of a lasting partnership

Among several prestigious customers Shubham Brothers has worked for over the years include Indian Railways, GAIL, UP Nirman Nigam, Bridge Corporation, Lulu Mall and Omaxe Group. The experience gained working on various projects for these customers have enabled the Company to attain efficiencies sufficiently above industry standards.

Shubham Brothers is looking to further strengthen its operations. Plans include acquiring more new equipment. The Company is clear about its choice – it will be SDLG. “In fact, so good is our first impression with SDLG we are not likely to even consider any other equipment in the future,” says Vinod Shahi. “And please note we are already recommending SDLG to our sub-contractors and associates. We are sure their first impressions with SDLG will be as good if not even better.” He signs off with a smile. 

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