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Blazing amazing trails in road building

While the earliest roads in ancient India date back to Indus Civilization, street paving gained popularity across towns in the sub-continent at the beginning of the Common Era. Many empires over the ages laid strong emphasis on constructing roads over vast stretches, recognising that the unity and greatness of their empires depended on the quality and network of roads they built. “Modern India of course, is engaged in road building more than ever before,” says S K Mehta, Chairman, Mehta Construction Group. “We now have the second-largest road network in the world - spanning over 6 million kms - connecting every nook and corner of the country."

Volvo Road Machines are helping set new benchmarks in road building for government bodies and corporate houses across North India

Based out of Gurugram in Haryana State, Mehta Construction Group are road builders and civil infrastructure developers with a string of landmark projects to credit including those of national importance like the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal stretch. S K Mehta is also closely associated with Indian Road Congress (IRC) - a body of road builders and other stakeholders. “Our objectives are two-fold,” he says. “To share innovations and emerging concepts in road building and evolve comprehensive solutions to the ever growing problem of traffic congestion in urban India.”

Making the difference in road building

Assisting Mehta Construction Group in road projects is a fleet of Volvo Equipments. It includes a range of excavators, asphalt compactors and pavers. “To be on par with the times is one thing, to be ahead of the times quite another,” says S K Mehta. “From our collective experience over the years, we are convinced Volvo machines are way ahead when it comes to productivity and efficiency in road building.”

According to him, a typical Volvo machine lasts longer and works better because it is built stronger and is technologically superior. He believes that when it comes to safety, reliability and operator comfort, Volvo machines have it figured out to the last detail. He values the unique frequency & amplitude features in Volvo Compactors. He appreciates the exceptional fitness of his Volvo fleet – high on uptimes, low on breakdowns. But he is clear that it is the unmatched fuel efficiency a Volvo delivers that distinguishes it from the rest. “This is most visible benefit because, remember, fuel is a daily cost. Investing in Volvo means you achieve desired outputs consuming much less fuel. It is a boost to both top and bottom lines – on daily basis!” he says.

Focus on the road ahead

Spares and maintenance support is provided by local VolvoCE dealer, Alpha Teknisk Pvt Ltd. S K Mehta is pleased with overall service from the dealer and their extraordinary attention to detail. “They always come prepared and are thorough in their approach,” he says. “They have this ability to go beyond the brief and give us solutions we didn’t expect in the first place. From day one, our relationship has clicked. And it continues to only get better with time.”

As Chairman of Mehta Construction Group, S K Mehta has been instrumental in steering the Company to become a dominant road builder and civil infrastructure developer in the industry. Today, Mehta Construction Group is equipped and competent enough to handle any road project up to a value of Rs 250 crores with current price index. And the Company and its Chairman play an active part in more than one panel at the Indian Road Congress (IRC), presenting technical papers on a range of subjects – from micro surfacing of roads to traffic congestion. S K Mehta is modest about the achievements, though. “Remember, the road to success is always under construction. The way we see it, we have many, many miles to go. Oh yes, with Volvo by our side, it goes without saying.” He signs off with a smile.

Mehta Construction Group and Volvo – No road is too long with good company 

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