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Home Products and Services Archive of past products Crawler Excavators Volvo, C series – EC700C
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Volvo EC700C

The Volvo EC700C crawler excavator had all the power you needed, plus perfectly harmonized hydraulics, to tackle the most difficult conditions and the toughest materials. It was your perfect partner for mass excavation, production trenching, rock-face stripping, mine loading, and beyond.

Production year 2007-2016

Operating weight, kg (lbs) 69300 - 71700 (152150 - 158070)
Gross power, kw (hp) 346 (464) engine speed, rpm 1800
Bucket capacity, m3 (yd3) 1.99 - 5.16 (2.6 - 6.75)
Lifting capacity, along undercarriage, kg (lbs) 19750 (43540) reach / height, m (ft) 7.5 / 1.5 (25 / 5)
Max. digging reach, mm (in) 13170 (518.5)
Max. digging depth, mm (in) 8400 (330.7)
Breakout force, SAEJ1179 (Normal), kN (lbf) 276 (62050)
Breakout force, SAEJ1179 (Boost), kN (lbf) 301 (67670)
Tear out force, SAEJ1179 (Normal), kN (lbf) 254 (57100)
Tear out force, SAEJ1179 (Boost), kN (lbf) 278 (62500)
Overall width, mm (in) 4286 (169)
Tail swing radius, mm (in) 4140 (163)
Production year 2007–2016
