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Home Products and Services Archive of past products Compact Excavators Volvo, A, B, B Pro series EC70

Volvo EC70

In January 2000 Volvo EC70 superseded Pel-Job EB706.

The Volvo EC70 was provided as standard with two travel speeds, including a fast speed to speed up machine travel on the site. The wrap-around shape of the counterweight protected the back of the machine perfectly and made it psosible to work on the narrowest sites. The back cover opended completely and gave excellent access to the engine and hydraulic pumps. All manintenance and checking points were conveniently located close to hand.

Production year 2000-2004

EC70 2003 specifications
Engine S4S
Engine rate output, at r/s (r/min) 36,6 (2 200)
...ISO 9249, kW (hp) 41,2 (56,0)
Overall width, m 2,20
Boom offset left/right, ° 70/60
Horizontal reach, m 6,44–6,83
Digging depth, m 4,26–4,66
Dumping height, m 4,52–4,79
Bucket tearout, kN 51,9
Dipper tearout, kN 34,5
Operating weight, t 7,03
Production year 2000–2004
