The L120 was assembled on three different locations around the world. In Sweden (Serial no. 5001–), the USA (Serial no. 60001–) and in Iran (Serial no. 50301–).
There were three different versions of the machine. Three different front axles were fitted.
There were two different engines. A standard and a low emission engine, TD 71 G and TD 71 KBE respectively.
Sweden Front axle Rear axle
Serial no. –5154 AH 60 G AH 53 C
Serial no. 5155–5161 AH 60 H AH 53 D
Serial no. 5162–5167 AH 60 G AH 53 C
Serial no. 5168–7110 AH 60 H AH 53 D
Serial no. 7111– AH 60 I AH 53 F
US Front axle Rear axle
Serial no. –60117 AH 60 G AH 53 C
Serial no. 60118–60560 AH 60 H AH 53 D
Serial no. 60561– AH 60 I AH 53 F
Iran Front axle Rear axle
Serial no. –50413 AH 60 H AH 53 D
Serial no. 50414– AH 60 I AH 53 F