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Home News and events News and stories Full Suspension drives business with the fully loaded A45G FS articulated hauler
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Full Suspension drives business with the fully loaded A45G FS articulated hauler

The A45G Full Suspension articulated hauler from Volvo Construction Equipment increases productivity and makes for a more comfortable ride – not to mention delivers excellent performance and high hauling speeds in tough conditions.
Full Suspension drives business with the fully loaded A45G FS articulated hauler

Since their debut in 1966, Volvo Construction Equipment’s articulated haulers have forged ahead as the leader in off-road productivity – and the A45G Full Suspension (FS) hauler takes this to a new level. From mining and quarrying to building and heavy infrastructure work, the new A45G FS carries on the tradition and features a host of upgrades.

The Volvo-engineered FS machine is designed to move a greater volume of material at higher average speeds – both loaded and unloaded – for faster cycle times and minimal material wastage. Offering up to a 20 percent increase in productivity, the fully hydraulic system combines unshakable stability and superb operator comfort to deliver unbeatable off-road performance.

The active hydraulic front and rear suspension offer automatic leveling and stability control to keep hauling speeds high. Six leveling sensors – two on each of the A-frames – electronically monitor the frame movement in relation to the axles and signals the hydraulic system to adjust the suspension to fit prevailing conditions, absorbing rough spots for optimum stability during travel.

Replacing the traditional bogie beam and rubber springs, there are two improved hydraulic cylinders and accumulators on the front suspension, and four of each on the rear suspension, for superior operator comfort and productivity. The rear suspension features two high-pressure accumulators for fully loaded conditions and two low-pressure accumulators for empty return runs, which give the machine the ability to minimize impacts during operation, as well as reducing operator fatigue significantly.

In addition, the intuitive cross flow between the hydraulic cylinders stabilizes both trailer and tractor, allowing for higher average speeds over poor ground structures and when cornering. The FS system also reduces the level of maintenance required for haul roads on the jobsite, further improving productivity and profitability.

With faster cycle times and increased productivity, customers can reduce the size of their fleet, while maintaining the same output levels as haulers featuring more traditional suspension systems.

Smart solution to optimize production

 Comfort and stability are not the only features that contribute to productivity and greater profitability.

The On Board Weighing system, for example, allows for precise machine productivity monitoring, helping to ensure the right amount of material is moved. Using pressure sensors, the system – standard on FS models – monitors statistics like load weight and tonnes-transported-per-liter-of-fuel, and relays this information to software integrated into the machine’s electronics. With this information at their fingertips, operators and fleet managers are better able to ensure optimum working level of the A45G FS hauler.

Volvo A45G FS articulated haulers also owe their ability to work at the optimum level to intelligent systems, including CareTrack and MATRIS. The telematics system provides machine information such as fuel consumption and service reminders that allow operators and fleet managers to improve planning and optimize uptime.

Maximizing total cost of ownership

Hydraulic suspension in Volvo’s articulated haulers is a major technological advancement, one that enables the A45G FS to perform well over a long service life with minimal maintenance and low fuel consumption.

By preventing overloading, the On Board Weighing system eliminates excess wear and machine damage, which in turn, lowers operating costs and extends the machine’s lifetime. To further maximize profitability, CareTrack generates reports on fuel consumption, machine utilization and excessive idle, helping customers to optimize their fleet and eliminate fuel wastage.

With proactive monitoring from CareTrack and the quality support from Volvo’s global dealer network, customers can rest assured their A45G FS articulated hauler takes the rough with the smooth and remains in top service condition.


Tiffany Cheng

Head of Brand, Marketing and Corporate Communication
Regions Asia and China
Volvo Construction Equipment

Åsa Alström

Head of Strategic Communications
Volvo Construction Equipment

Key specifications:

Engine specs A45G FS
Payload capacity kg 41000,,00
Max power at r/s 30
SAEJ1995 Gross kW 350
Flywheel power at r/s 30
ISO 9246, SAEJ1349 Net kW 347
Max torque at r/s 1,7.5
SAE J1995 Gross Nm 2,525
ISO 9246, SAEJ1349 Net Nm 2,500
Displacement l 1,6.1
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