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Volvo Co-pilot operator training
Volvo Co-Pilot Operator Training
Get to know your Assist applications

Volvo Co-Pilot Operator Training

Volvo Co-Pilot Operator Training is designed to help operators use Volvo Co-Pilot and its advanced Assist applications in the most effective way. The result is a confident operator, as well as more productive and efficient work shifts.

What you get

Maximise productivity

Volvo Co-Pilot is designed to boost the profitability of your operations. The related training helps operators to be as productive as possible when using Volvo Co-Pilot and its advanced Assist applications.

Higher efficiency

By understanding all functions of the Assist applications and the valuable data it provides, operators can complete their work more efficiently.

Reduced costs

Using the machines in an optimal way with help from Volvo Co-Pilot not only saves fuel and optimises the operation, it also reduces unnecessary idling and machine wear.

Unlock the full potential of your machines

With a good understanding of the many intelligent functions of the Assist applications, operators can use their machine to its full potential.

Increased operator satisfaction

Training is proven to increase job satisfaction, resulting in happier and more productive operators. A commitment to employee development also helps attract talented operators.

Volvo Co-pilot family

Optimise how you work, with Volvo Co-Pilot, your partner in the cab. The high-resolution 12” touchscreen provides access to a range of Assist applications, designed to boost productivity, accuracy and efficiency.

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Dig Assist

Get your excavator performing with more speed and accuracy.

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Load Assist

Load the optimum amount of material and optimize load cycles.

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Haul Assist

Monitor your production and optimize haul cycles.

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Compact Assist

Produce and document high quality compaction.

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Pave Assist

Unlock first-class paving results.

How it works

At the end of the course, you'll be able to use your Volvo Co-Pilot – including all functions of a specific Assist application – proficiently.

Volvo Services Co-pilot

From theory...

Training starts in the classroom where content is delivered via Volvo Co-Pilot simulators, group discussion, exercises and presentation from our expert trainers:

  • Introduction to Volvo Co-Pilot
  • Introduction to Assist applications
  • Features and functions
  • How to operate
    • Settings and calibration
    • Assist functions
    • Improved efficiency
    • Tips and Tricks
Volvo Co-Pilot operator training

…To practice

Following time in the classroom, participants get hands on with Volvo Co-Pilot to apply what they have learnt. Firstly completing a machine walkaround for a familiarisation of all Volvo Co-Pilot components, before working through an extensive list of functions and tasks.

Our expert trainer monitors performance throughout the practical tasks, providing feedback and suggested improvements in real-time.

The practical session can be completed with ready-to-use practical exercises, or during the operator's daily work, coached by the instructor.

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