Construction Equipment Asia

Volvo CE Masters 2024 KSS Funky Mechanics triumph on the global stage

In May of this year a team of skilled technicians from Volvo dealer Korea Sales & Service (KSS), known as the 'Funky Mechanics', emerged as global champions of the Volvo CE Masters 2024. The contest is open to technicians worldwide and judged over several months, to showcase Volvo CE’s exceptional technical prowess and commitment to excellence in product support.

Volvo dealer Korea Sales & Service (KSS) ‘Funky Mechanics’ take first place at the 2024 Volvo CE Masters championship

‘Funky Mechanics’ were crowned champions in the 2024 Volvo CE Masters after succeeding in a challenging World Final at the Customer Center in Eskilstuna, Sweden – the headquarters of Volvo CE. Throughout the competition, service and repair teams from across the worldwide Volvo CE dealer network showcased skill, talent and passion in a fiercely competitive journey to find the world’s best.

The Funky Mechanics from Volvo CE Region eventually emerged triumphant and embodied the collaboration, resilience, problem-solving and skill required to deliver the best product support in the business. To celebrate the success of the team Volvo CE has produced created two engaging videos: one to tell the story of the team behind the triumph and the second to examine just some of the many benefits that customer support from Volvo CE delivers.

Check out the videos below to learn about the winning team's journey and how their participation showcased their superior technical skills - exemplifying Volvo CE's core values of safety, speed, and accuracy in service delivery."

Masters 2024 Winners Interview

Meet the Funky Mechanics and follow their journey to the challenging World Final.


Masters 2024 Benefits for Customers

Explore the various benefits of Volvo CE’s customer support showcased throughout the 2024 Masters competition.